Paul Brejla


Software Engineer, Requirements Engineer (CPRE-A, TÜV), Software Architect (CPSA-F, ISQI), Business Analyst & Published Researcher - welcome to my personal Web site!

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👨 About

My interest is the area of Requirements Engineering, Product Management, Systems Integration & Software Engineering in customer-centric and service-based industries - I like to solve problems through people, processes and technology with an agile mindset and empathy. I have more than 14 years of experience in developing and managing mission-critical digital products at scale in the hospitality and insurance industry.

I have been educated in a broad range of quantitative and qualitative skills at three European universities in Germany, Sweden, and England. My work or work that I have contributed to has been published in peer-reviewed and recognized journals within their respective fields. Products that I have architected and shipped are used by millions of customers, generating very significant transaction volumes. I am fluent and can work in German, English, and Swedish. In addition, I am more or less fluent in Kotlin, Groovy, Java, Scala, PHP, Typescript, Javascript and a range of SQL dialects. The idea to build things that have a positive impact on the lifes of people like you and me is what drives me at work.

Outside of work, I like to spend my free time with running (I’ve recently gotten into running half marathons), reading sci-fi books and stuff about psychology, cooking, playing guitar and music in general. I tend to - for better or worse - absorb knowledge like a sponge, there is probably nothing I am not interested in or can not get excited about.

💻 Skills & Experience

I consider myself a ‘full-stack software architect and business analyst with a focus on cloud technologies’. I have a wide range of skills from requirements engineering, software engineering, business analysis and project management methodologies. I grew up with the internet in the 90s and started writing code when I was 12 - the time I got my first Mac with HyperCard. Some years later, I’ve started building dynamic Web sites with cgi before there were frameworks. Now for nostalgic reasons, have an ‘under construction’ gif:


I have learned to dynamically deal with shifting priorities and expectations in highly uncertain environments.

💼 Practice

🚀 Technology Stack


🔧 Methodology


🎓 Research & Other Contributions

My work or work that I have contributed to has been published in peer-reviewed and renowned journals within the respective fields. I have been educated in a broad range of quantitative and qualitative skills at three European universities. I also do side projects and some consulting to scratch own itches, stay on top of current technologies, and give something back to the communities that I owe a lot to.


I teach undergraduate courses in Information Systems Management and Information Systems Development at the University of Applied Sciences in Bremerhaven tailored to Cruise Tourism Management students (CTM Website).

Open Source

My aim is to participate more in OSS in the future.

Mentions in the media / Talks

Contact / Imprint

You may contact me via e-mail under paul(at)paulbrejla(dot)com or via social media, which I prefer.

Paul Brejla
Schellerdamm 9
21079 Hamburg